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Complex data types

Some asset types are defined as containing data and then assets of this types contains an attribute named data type. The values that this attribute can carry are enumerated as data types and can be selected in a list. A new occurrence can also be created. A data type is made of a label and a description and is mainly informative. However, a flag can be set to define a type as complex. As soon as a data is complex, all assets linked to this data type will share the same structure. It means that the sub tree starting from this asset will be synchronized will all assets of the same type.

Here, Test_1 and Test_1_prime have the same complex type. Their structure are synchronized from the creation of Test_1_prime which happened after the creation of Test_1. Any change on any attributes of a child of Test_1 will affect its counterpart under Test_1_prime. Any deletion or creation will also be mirrored to any assets of the same data type.