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Tabular view

The tabular view is accessible for any entity by clicking on the following icon cardGridor as the default view of some entities. This view is more complex than the card grid but is also more powerful. It allows to display more attributes and to apply structured filters on data. The table can be sorted and rows can be selected to perform actions on a selection of items. Mass edition is also available in tabular view where a whole page can be edited at one thanks to the grid edit.


From this view mode you can :

  • Create a new record by clicking on the “+” button

Create record in table view mode

  • Duplicate a record (select one record before)

  • Delete a record (select one record before)

Delete record in table view mode

  • Display card view

Display card view mode

  • Display hierarchical view (if available)

Display hierarchical view mode

  • Display table history

Display history table

  • Click on the “More” button to display other available actions

More button

On the top right corner, you have more available options:

  • Number of records to display per page

Change number of displayed record

Filter button

  • Change view (see views)

Change view button

Grid edit button

  • Navigation buttons (change to next page, end, etc)

Navigation buttons

In this mode, if you want to open a record, just double click on the table row.