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Display data graph

TIBCO Cloud™ Metadata allows you to display your data in a graph. This is very helpful to see data relation, applications flows, lineage etc.

Open a data graph

The data graph can be open from :

  • Table view mode after record selection
  • Record view

Table view form

From the table view form, select one or multiple record(s) and click on the “Graph” button on the top left corner.

Table view graph

NB: The “Graph” button is not available on all tables.

Record view

From the record view, click on the “Graph” button on the top left corner.

Record view graph

How to explore graph data

Once you have clicked on the “Graph” button the graph will be displayed.

Graph displayed

In this view, you can :

  • Export the graph by clicking on the “Export” button

Graph displayed1

  • Change graph orientation (expand to the left/expand to the right)

Graph displayed2

  • Zoom-out

Graph displayed3

  • Zoom-in

Graph displayed4

  • Open the graph in full-screen mode (press “ESC” key to quit full screen)

Graph displayed5

To explore the data there are arrows in the data node. You have to right-click on it to see options.

Graph displayed6

You can expand children, expand a particular record, collapse children, etc.

In the end you are able to see data relationships in a graph.

Graph displayed7

You can minimize the mini-map on the left if needed. This mini-map help you to be oriented in the graph. If you click on “Table” in the mini-map, you will see which tables are invoked in data visualisation.

Graph displayed8

Open the lineage graph

The lineage graph is only available on “Assets” and “Instances”. See Lineage.